Kaitlin and Paulie’s wedding was a little more special than most weddings I photograph. It’s not that other weddings aren’t special because they truly are, but this one was different for me and I’ll tell you why.
Not only did I get to see Kaitlin and Paulie meet for the first time, but I got to see them become friends and then eventually fall madly in love. They started off as neighbors in Lancaster where they borrowed eggs, helped change light bulbs, and even played practical jokes on each other. I loved hearing the early conversations of, “Do you think he likes me?” or “What do you think he meant by this?” Soon Kaitlin and Paulie were dating and then not long after that they both knew they had found their better half! Kaitlin and Paulie truly bring the best out in each other and its so exciting to see the path that God has taken them.
Their wedding was such an emotional and exciting day. My favorite part was watching the two families become one and share in the excitement of what is to come!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you. Kaitlin and Paulie! I’ve loved watching your journey over the years and I can’t wait to see what lies ahead!